Monday, February 25, 2008

Q & A

It looks as though actual people are starting to read my blog, as I'm starting to get comments from people I don't know. This is wonderful! On yesterday's post, I got this comment/question:

"I just wanted to know what finally clicked in your head it was time to get this weight off? I have gained over 50 pounds and now weigh 185 and every Monday diet is on then the cheating every weekend. I need to get it together. Any ideas how to get with the program and stick to it."

First, thanks for reading my blog and commenting. It's nice to know that people are tuning in. To answer the first part of your question, my decision to lose weight was a long time coming. I'd been very unhappy with myself for a few years and was ready to do it. However, the catalyst came in the form of reality TV.

Back in April of last year, I started watching a few television shows that focused on diet and exercise. I'm not sure why I started tuning into this stuff. Previously, I would change the channel whenever a show like that came on because it just reminded me how fat I was. Then I saw this show on the Bravo network called "Workout." It's a reality show about a bunch of personal trainers in Los Angeles. The owner of the gym, Jackie Warner, is a buff, hilarious, extremely tenacious woman with ultra-cool hair. I wanted to be her. For the first time, I didn't just want to lose the weight; I wanted to have a six pack and rock hard biceps too.

I started watching all the fitness-related television I could handle. I think they were rerunning The Biggest Loser at the time. There I sat on the couch, watching a 400-lb. dude run on a treadmill. If that guy could do it, I could at least try. The Biggest Loser has become one of my most faithful motivators. Every Tuesday night I watch these amazing people who have large amounts of weight to lose. Ten months ago, I was in the same boat, and the task seemed insurmountable. To see their dedication and focus each week refreshes me and gives me that "I CAN!" attitude all over again.

The second part of your question is something I struggle with too. Monday through Friday, you're on the program and doing great. Then, the weekend comes and you fall off the wagon. It happens to me all the time. As I've discussed in a few previous posts, I do have a planned cheat meal every Saturday. My girlfriend and I discuss what we've been craving and agree on something to indulge in. On those days, I do a more strenuous workout in hopes of canceling out any damage I'm doing during my cheat meal. However, this doesn't always work. I'm still recovering from Saturday's pizza party at the nursing home.

All of the advice I can offer sounds so horribly cliche (I tried to get the little accent mark over the "e" but I can't figure it out). You've heard it before- "If you slip up, you just have to get right back on the horse." Or "it's a marathon and not a sprint." So corny, I know, but after almost a year of counting calories and exercising my butt off (literally), I'm finally starting to believe all those cheesy adages.

Another thing that helps me is to know where my "danger zone" is when it comes to eating when I'm not hungry. When I'm alone in the house is when I have the biggest problem. I've been working on coping strategies, but I still have a long way to go in that department. Lately I've been reading health and fitness magazines, or playing Guitar Hero. Just trying to distract myself helps.

Wow! What a long-winded answer. Sorry about that. I hope it's helpful.

Tune in later tonight for a post on what happens with the nutritionist.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree - those things do sound "cliché" (ha, found the letter), but often things become that way for a reason. I think we're all just looking for that hidden perfect piece of advice that for some reason, nobody's told us before. Those are rare.

A sometimes controversial author named Robert Kiyosaki has said it's not about finding the "how", it's about finding the "why". Whether you believe this guy is a genius (me in the early 2000's) or a bit of a scheister (me for the last few years) the advice rings true. Like Morgan, I wasn't able to lose weight until I was properly motivated, through time and choice.

One more thought that Morgan kind of touched on. It's no fun spending months of effort when you feel like you're just "getting back to normal". Kind of like how it's no fun spending money to fix your brakes.

It's much more motivating (for me at least) to work toward one day being above average fitness. That's worth the 5:30 am jogs, to me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quick response. You definetly make me more motivated. You have come a long way. Also, I thought that you made a lot of sense when you said you like to pre plan your meals how it helps to keep on track I'm thinking I should give it a try. I found you on peertrainer and like to see what you eat for your day. Maybe I will be more motivated like you. I also love to watch the Biggest Loser if they can exercise why can't I. Thanks for all the helpful tips!! Tracy

Anonymous said...

I ditto everything that anonymous said...everything you have done is extremely motivational! I also watch Workout and think Jackie rocks!